The model introduced a geometrical similarity parameter, which describes the influences of plant crown shape on leaf/ branch angle distribution frequencies, fraction of shadowed or illuminated canopy and background, canopy reflectance, and finally scene reflectance. 该模型引入一个几何相似性参数,用以描述植株冠层的几何形状对叶/枝角分布、阴影地面比例、冠层和地面各光学分量、冠层反射率和总反射率的影响。
A hybrid geometric optical and radiative transfer approach is used to parameterize the four component spectral signatures ( sunlit crown, sunlit background, shaded crown, and shaded background) in geometric optical reflectance models over discontinuous plant canopies. 该文用几何光学与辐射传输混合模型研究不连续植被冠层的几何光学反射模型的四分量(承照树冠、承照地面、阴影树冠、阴影地面)的参数化。